[Free shipping] Free shipping on the entire site.
Usually, you can receive your order in about 7~14 working days.
[Express] Applicable to all orders.
While most deliveries are received within 7 working days, it can take up to 15 working days depending on the time of purchase and your delivery address.
If you urgently need to receive the package, please contact us to change the logistics method. This may incur additional logistics freight. The specific freight will be determined according to the logistics method.
Please note: In some cases, we may send your order into separate packages, especially if you order a bunch of items from us. All orders are shipped from China/USA/Europe and we will ship the goods nearby. During sales and holidays, delivery times may be longer than the above estimates.
We take extra care to verify every order we receive. This is a process that we strive to complete within the time frame in which your order ships or is sent to the manufacturer who is shipping your order. In some cases, our order verification process may delay the shipment of your order. Please be sure to provide accurate information when placing your order so that if needed we can contact you using the information listed to dispatch your order the same day (if we have stock in our warehouse).
HDbubalus is not responsible for lost//stolen packages. If you believe your package was delivered in error, you can contact our customer service team and we can coordinate with the package handling service to initiate a lost package investigation. If the package handling service is unable to locate the package or provide documentation that the package has been delivered to the correct address, resolution is at the sole discretion of HDbubalus and we cannot guarantee a replacement or refund based on a lost package investigation.
If you require more specific information, please contact us in the form below. HDbubalus’ customer service team will respond to your message as soon as possible.